On-site information



We strongly recommend to register prior to the congress by using the online registration system. This is to avoid possible queues at the registration service desk. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee sufficient availability of congress materials such as congress bags or final programme booklets.

In case you consider to register on-site or wish to order an additional item to your congress registration, we advise to use the self- registration terminal. You will also still be able to re-access your registration form from any technical device with a working internet connection. Please note that the booking is finalised with your payment. Additionally you can come to the registration service desk during the opening hours to add any items to your booking.

Accepted payment methods on-site are credit card or cash. Please keep in mind the local currency when paying cash as we only accept euros (€).

Registration Opening Times

Sunday, October 16 07:00 – 21:30
Monday, October 17 07:30 – 18:30
Tuesday, October 18 07:30 – 18:30
Wednesday, October 19 08:00 – 18:30
Thursday, October 20 08:00 – 13:00

Please note that all times are subject to change.


Due to safety regulations it is mandatory to always visibly wear your name badge during the congress (including the social events). There will be a badge control at the main entrance of the venue. You will not be allowed to enter the exhibition or sessions without your badge. We strongly advise you not to forget or lose your badge! Any loss of name badge will be charged with EUR 100 incl. VAT.


You will receive an e-mail with your personal QR-code around one week before the congress. Please bring this to the first day of conference (digitally or printed).

STEP 1: Proceed to the Self Service Check-In Terminals in the registration area.
STEP 2: Hold your badge code (either on paper or displayed on the screen of your smart device) below the scanner.
STEP 3: The station will then scan your code and automatically print your badge.


After the congress you will get your Certificate of Attendance and the CME Certificate per email.


Venue plan

Here you can find the venue plan of the Crowne Plaza, where the congress takes place.