Exhibitor Registration

Depending on the sponsorship contribution, every exhibiting company is entitled to receive a certain amount of free exhibitor badges. End of August each group contact of the exhibiting company has received an invitation e-mail to their Exhibitor Portal including the exhibitor discounts codes and guidelines for registration. In this portal the group leader is able to manage the group (register participants), all corresponding payments or downloads.

If you have not yet received an email with your personal link to the Exhibitor Portal, please contact eans@aimgroup.eu


  • Access to the Exhibition and to the ePoster Area
  • Access to the Opening Ceremony on Sunday
  • Participation in lunch and coffee breaks
  • Access to the session halls (subject to availability – priority to delegates)

A company’s own badge or business card will not be accepted instead of the official congress name badge. Individuals who do not have their personalised name badge will not be admitted into the venue.

Every exhibitor will receive his/her personal QR-Code document for printing his/her name badge onsite per email. Due to safety regulations it is mandatory for all exhibitors to always visibly wear their badge during the congress.



If you want a group badge pick-up to collect all your exhibitor tickets at once, it is obligatory that group badge pick-up is announced by latest by Thursday, September 15 via eans@aimgroup.eu or via the Exhibitor Registration Platform. Any requests after that date cannot be considered and the badges need to be collected individually.